Friday, December 27, 2019

Develop your Teams Emotional Intelligence at Work

Develop your Teams Emotional Intelligence at WorkDevelop your Teams Emotional Intelligence at WorkDevelop your Teams Emotional Intelligence at Work Fernndez-Aroz, author of Its Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best (Harvard Business Review Press, 2014)When training the people around you to do bigger and better things, which competencies matter most? Depending on your circumstances, youll want to place more weight on some of the eight specific hallmarks of great leaders.But, in my experience, it also pays to concentrate more generally on emotional intelligence (EI) either self-management (such as flexibility and adaptability, or emotional self-control) or relationship management (such as influencing others, dealing with conflict, or promoting change).You might think that ansicht soft skills would be harder to teach than hard ones such as calculus or coding. But research from another of my big heroes, Richard Boyatzis, at the Weatherhead Sch ool of Management (WSOM), Case Western Reserve University, shows otherwise.Dismayed by studies of MBA programs indicating that students had increased their EI competencies by only 2 percent in the one to two years they were enrolled (compared with an average increase of 4050 percent for all the competencies assessed), Boyatzis set out to change the status quo.In the fall of 1990, Weatherhead implemented a revised MBA course that included1)A course on leadership assessment and development2)A focus on specific EI competencies in selected subjects, such as presentation skills in a marketing course or collaboration in an operations management course3)A dramatic increase in the number of courses requiring field work in companies and group projects and (4) more opportunities to participate in volunteer activities and clubs.The results have been extraordinary full-time MBAs saw their self-management skills improve by 47 percent, and their relationship-management ones by as much as 75 perce nt. Part-time MBAs, who take three to five years to complete their programs, meanwhile saw increases of 67 percent and 40 percent.This last group was assessed two years after graduating, and their level of emotional competence had remained at the new high level, confirming that the positive change was not only impressive but also lasting.How to Cultivate Emotional IntelligenceTo develop the people around you without a formal MBA course, I suggest the following steps1)Make sure they really want to improve and have a strong vision of their desired future. When there is a will, there is a way, but without it, nothing will be achieved.Research on the neuroscience of behavioral change shows that positive emotional attractors focused on ones individual strengths and hopes arouse the parasympathetic nervous system, making us more calm, compassionate, and open to learning.2)Help your people objectively assess their strengths and weaknesses and find the gaps between their real selves and the ir ideal selves. Some form of 360-degree feedback becomes invaluable here.3)Develop a learning agenda or action plan to close those gaps. This must be highly focused and practical. Dont try to change too much at once. Encourage people to work on specific behaviors and set incremental goals.4)Encourage your learners to relentlessly practice their new behaviors so their brains develop a new nerven betreffend circuitry that makes these better habits feel natural and automatic. This may take three to six months they shouldnt get frustrated.As a leader who wants to be surrounded by the best, you need to get your people inspired about improving themselves, especially when it comes to emotional competencies to understand where they stand and where they fall short of ideal to develop a clever change plan and to persevere in practice.Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review Press. Excerpted and Adapted from Its Not the How or the What but the Who Succeed by Surrounding Yourself wi th the Best. Copyright 2014 Claudio Fernndez-Aroz. All rights reserved.Author BioClaudio Fernndez-Aroz is a senior adviser at leading exe3cutive search firm Egon Zehnder and a former member of its global executive committee. He holds an MBA from Stanford and has previously worked for McKinsey Company. He is a global expert on hiring and promotion decisions and leadership development, and a frequent speaker at major business gatherings. His advice has been sought by the CEOs of several if the worlds largest companies and many governments. Fernndez-Aroz is a regular lecturer at Harvard Business School, a frequent contributor to, and the author of Great People Decision Why They Matter So Much, Why They are So Hard, and How You can Master Them (2007).

Sunday, December 22, 2019

4 Important Things to Do Before Your First Day at Your New Job

4 Important Things to Do Before Your First Day at Your New Job 4 Important Things to Do Before Your First Day at Your New Job I probably wouldnt advise any of these actions, as they are generally negative and self-defeating, and they dont move you towards your new goals. Instead, I would recommend that you focus on positive actions to maximize the potential future value of your relationships with your old employer and colleagues and toincrease your ability to hit the ground running and excel in your new role.Tothis end, I have outlined four important things to do before your first day at your new job1. Preserve, Consolidate, and Use Your Existing RelationshipsYour current colleagues atyour soon-to-be former employer will make up your future network, and theycould help you get jobs in the future, or even make new business contracts. Its also likely that some of the people in your network may know people at your new employer, to whom they can refer you. These people may also know a l ittle bit about how that business works, and they may be able to give you some useful pointers to help you acclimate yourself quickly and succeed. Otherwise, they may simply have some tips and advice to help you make a great start in your new role.The point is that you shouldnt take your existing organization for granted it may still be able to serve you well in the final weeks before you leave. Network to the maximum during this period make timewith your existing colleagues in order to bury the hatchet where necessary, exchange contacts, tap them for knowledge and connections, thank them for their help, and offer to reciprocate in the future. Actively preserving and priming your existing network is one of the key positive actions to take before you beginyour new job.2. Ask to Join a Social or Team Meeting at Your New Employer Prior to Day OneIts much easier to prepare for day one if you know what to expect in terms of culture, personalities, and go-to people. Youll feel much less l ike a deerin the headlights. In fact,research shows that new hires who build effective information relationships actually onboard faster and get up to speed more quickly.Contact your new manager and ask whether you would be able to tag along to an after-work happy hour or attend a weekly team meeting to help you meet your new teammates and get into the rhythm of the business.3. departure Building Your Relationship With Your Future BossResearch from Dale Carnegie Training(and others) suggests that yourrelationship with your boss can be one of the most important factors driving your engagement level and future success within a business.abflug trying to cultivate your relationship with your boss before day one. Contact your future boss and demonstrate your enthusiasm by asking them to recommend any reading material that might help prime you for your new role. Of course, you should consider that your new boss might be pressed for time if so, you cansuggest several pieces of reading mate rial and ask them to recommend the most pertinent one.Alternatively, you could perhaps start sending your new boss a fewlinks to relevant stories ornews pieces that may be beneficial to them as a way to show your value. You could also comment on a tweet or blog post that they have written in order to start building bridges and fostering familiarity.4. Ask for Your Orientation Program in the Week Before You StartIfyou are joining a highly disciplined blue chip, odds are that the company will have a highly orchestrated induction and orientation process, and it may be able to send you some prereading material to help you prep and address your first-day nerves.If you are joining a smaller company, theres a good chance your new employer may not have a very tightly run program. In this case, your advanced contactcan serve as an important reminder that you are coming, triggering the company to start getting your orientation program together and reducing the possibility that your first day will be a chaotic one.Remember, when reaching out and connecting with colleagues at your new business, you are not just trying to build relationships. You are also trying to pinpoint what your key priorities might be and whats currently exciting your boss or keeping them up at night. Identifying these things before you begin a new jobcan help youmake the biggest possible impact on your bosss life in the shortest possible time after joining.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Important Writing and Editing Skills That Employers Value

Important Writing and Editing Skills That Employers ValueImportant Writing and Editing Skills That Employers ValueWritten language skills are an integral part of many positions in almost every industry. Even staff positions and freelance opportunities that center around writing or editing skills can occur in multiple fields that dont overlap. From textbook proofreading to creative writing for websites, a writers profession exists comfortably within every industry imaginable. Most people in the United States can write, but few can write well. That is, not all professionals understand the nuance of words, syntax, and style to properly hand out complex ideas in digestible ways for readers from various walks of life. What Are Writing and Editing Skills? The article you are reading right now was composed, edited, and redrafted before publication online. Sometimes writing and editing is done by a team (some writing and some editing) or by one person. Because written communication can b e challenging, great care inayas that the content is accurate and read-worthy. Yet, there are certain core skills that all writers and editors share. It is one thing to write for fun or privately in a diary. It is another thing entirely to write professionally.Even those that are natural writers may not do well professionally unless they practice and improve their abilities. On the other hand, many professional writers were at one time terrible writers. That being said, writing is an acquired skill that can be developed with practice. Most writers have at least a bachelors degree. However, most employers want to see samples of your writing before they take a look at your education and work history. Types of Writing and Editing Skills Strong Grammar Skills Even if you are writing with the assistance of an editor, you must make your points clear. As such, you cannot write well if you do not have a good grasp of spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and all that good gramm ar entails. Automatic spell-checkers and similar software aids are useful, but they arent fully reliable. Excellent writing and editing still requires an analytical, detail-oriented human eye. If you are familiar with a specific usage style, such as TheChicago ManualofStyle or Associated Press, putthatdown. And if youre trained in other style guides such as medical or legal, mention those as well. ProofreadingRevisingDraftingSpellingStructureStylePunctuationStrong VocabularyUsing the Rhetorical TriangleDevise StructureEstablish ToneForming a ThesisPlanningBuilding Outlines Research As a professional writer, you could be called upon to write on topics you dont know much about. This requires research, sometimes online. If you are good at finding and assimilating large amounts of information quickly, say so and provide examples from your history to prove it. AnalysisReportingProper Use of Search EnginesData AnalysisInterpreting StatisticsReport WritingOnline SearchesIdentifying Aud ienceContent ReviewContent Management Word Processing Software Some clients require the use of certain word processing programs, file sharing services, collaboration apps, blogging platforms, or website templates. Projects may also require other types of software, such as spreadsheets or video editing. The more of these you already know how to use, the better. Be sure to list software programs relevant to the job description on your resume, especially if description specifically states that they are a requirement. If you can advise your client on which programs, apps, and platforms to use, that is evenbetter. Content Management Systems (CMS)Microsoft OfficeMS WordDocument SharingGoogle DocsWordPressWord ProcessingDropBox ProPrinting LayoutDocument LayoutFinal Manuscript ProductionMark-upsMarking Color BreaksMarking Head LevelsTypesettingWorking Sketches Collaboration and Communication Writing is often collaborative, while editing isalwayscollaborative. The reality is that ma ny people hire writers and editors because their owncommunication skillsare poor. To succeed, you must be able to work effectively with others, even when they are difficult to get along with or understand.Active listeningand assessment skills will go a long way toward building a positive rapport with your clients, no matter what their personality or background. Conducting InterviewsNote TakingCoordinatingProject ManagementEmotional IntelligenceTeamworkAuthor MeetingsConsultingContractsProject CoordinationVerbal CommunicationWritten CommunicationWorking with Reviewers Technical Writer Skills A technical writer prepares instructional and supporting documents to communicate complex technical information in a user-friendly manner. They develop and gather feedback from customers, designers, and manufacturers to help identify areas of confusion, and present solutions to the design and development teams. A technical writer is responsible for creating FAQs, charts, images, and training documents that can beeasily understood by peopleina wide range of backgrounds. A technical writer must have strong communication skills, along with exceptional writing and grammar skills. A bachelors degree in Journalism, English, or Communications is often required. However, some companies require a degree and/or knowledge in a specialized field, like computer science, engineering, or finance. Ability to Work AutonomouslyAnalyze Information and Draw ConclusionsCreate Diagrams, Drawings, and Charts to Explain Product UsageDevelop and Maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)Develop Style GuideEnsure ConsistencyExcellent Grammar and PunctuationExcellent Planning and Organizational SkillsGather User FeedbackGenerate Help Files and FAQsHelp Users Understand Intricate and Technical InformationKnowledgeable of Industry RegulationsLimit Product ComplexityMaintain and Update Document Library Manage Documentation ProcessMultitask AssignmentsPrepare Internal and External Technical Docume ntsProvide Solutions to Product IssuesReview Documents for Completeness and AccuracyStandardize Product ContentStrong Attention to DetailStrong Understanding of Product Features and User NeedsProduct KnowledgeUnderstand Information Design and ArchitectureWork Closely with Technical and Non-Technical Team MembersWork Well Under Pressure to Meet DeadlinesWrite and Edit Product PublicationsWrite and Organize Instructional Documents More Writing and Editing Skills Identifying ThemeEthicsOmni MediaMulti-lingualNewslettersBusiness StorytellingBlog WritingJournalismNews WritingOrganizingPrint WritingProposal WritingSocial MediaWeb WritingPresentation WritingCreative WritingFeature WritingMagazine WritingInfographicsInductive ReasoningDeductive ReasoningLogicDeadlinesStress ToleranceLie DetectionEstablishing RapportGauging What Will Interest ReadersHandling Criticism from Editors and ReadersIncorporating the Right Data to Support StorylinesInterviewing Experts NetworkingProtecting the Confidentiality of SourcesReading Comprehension Key Takeaways Prepare a PortfolioBesides a traditional resume, you will likely have to provide aportfolio of successfully completed projectsand acollection of writing sampleswhen you apply for work as a writer or editor.Be Ready to Provide SamplesFor some positions, you may be asked tosubmit writing samplesin place of or in addition to a cover letter. Choose those projects and writing samples that are most relevant to the clients project.Use Skill Words During Job InterviewsIn many cases, educational or work history or subject matter are not directly related to writing or editing might be relevant to a particular job or project. Always be on the lookout for the possibility that your special expertise may be relevant.

Friday, December 13, 2019

4 Common VLC Android Issues Solved

4 Common VLC Android Issues Solved4 Common VLC Android Issues SolvedDevelopers, meet VLC Android, a mobile version of VLC, the great desktop open-source media player.VLC Android is relatively new, and, just like any new friend, its worth taking the time to get to know it. These four tips will help you get started developing with VLC Android.1. Dude, wheres my passport?Its no secret that VLC Android Beta isnt yet available for U.S. or Canadian users, even though its on Google Play. You can access the software via nightly builds from the VideoLAN project website, or by setting your VPN to look like youre working in another country.2. Super-size me file management issuesFile management is a work-in-progress for VLC Android, so resulting apps may be plus-size. Since Google Play only allows apps that are 50 MB or less, file-size issues can be a problem. To remedy this, use either a main or patch expansion file (each up to 2 GB). The main file serves your apps main resources needs the patc h is designed for small updates. Locate expansion files hereshared-storage/Android/obb/package-name/shared-storage is the path to the shared storage space, available from getExternalStorageDirectory().package-name is your applications Java-style package name, available from getPackageName().You can also disable many of the contrib modules that you dont intend to use. This reduces the amount of statically linked libs and could drastically reduce your file size. Not seeing the results? Dont forget to cleanly rebuild your tree after the changes by using the following codesource env.sh3. The inevitable crashOf course, your app-in-development will crash at times. If VLC Android crashes, look for a vlc_logcat_date and some numbers.log file in your SD cards root and retrieve it using your phone file transfer or an open-source file browser like OI File Manager. If no vlc_logcat_....log file appears, the crash is likely native and requires a different kind of fix.Check the VideoLAN developme nt wiki for advice.Other issues with VLC crashes can be resolved by checking in with the very active VLC Forum. For example, if your VLC crashes when streaming from a computer to Android, you can fix the problem easily. Go to VLC Direct menusettingsstreaming settings, and check Avoid Audio Transcoding.4. Handle with care security vulnerabilitiesThe nonprofit-generated, open-source VLC freely admits its flaws. On the nightly build site, youll find the disclaimer that issues that existed in previous versions of VLC might be fixed here, but since this version of VLC is not yet finished, you should expect other problems and issues. The VLC Forum is the place to go to see if problems that have plagued you have been answered.One such issue, use-after-free vulnerabilities (attributed to the underlying FFmpeg library to which VLC statically links), may still exist in VLC. Security firm Secunia Research considers that the vulnerabilities still exist VLC contends that the patches provided hav e resolved them.In short, VLC Android is a work in progress, but the opportunities for development are great.Want to know what a VLC Android developer makes in your area? Check out our salary calculator.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Azure Resume Chronicles

The Azure Resume Chronicles Some code which you have lying around might not get the job done. Publish the code, and you are able to run the runbook. Azure Resume No Longer a Mystery Ballad creative writingDeveloping your enterprise idea and writing your company plan needs to be fun. As soon as it is achievable, it is going to take a lot of dedication and sacrifice, and a lot of help too. For some of them you will require help, while others it is possible to write all on your own. Theres basically no guaranteed answer for this query but here are a few suggestions that will be (with a little bit of luck) useful for you just if you are still not receiving any phone calls. Our competent writers realize that time is essential. My official title was Developer, but smaller companies have zero room for those who just wear one hat. You are able to even check out several reviews and after that pick the business which best suits your requirements and very affordable budget. Our revie ws contain details such as the score of the clients, our rating, starting prices, Discounts, and caliber of the papers. The Secret to Azure Resume Youre going to want to connect to the domain immediately, if you intend on connecting to a domain in the slightest. You can have a device given to you by an organization that doesnt provide a domain. In Azure, its a dedicated service which enables you to create a data warehouse that could store substantial amounts of information, scale up and down, and is completely managed. To begin with, you are in need of a storage account context. Irrespective of your applications demands, Azures robust array of Compute options permit you to custom tailor a solution that meets your needs perfectly. Windows 10 makes it feasible to apply unique policies to these different kinds of devices. There are many ways to execute runbooks Posh module, an internet support. Free upgrade for all current students. Azure Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone It is possible to find out more about Azure IaaS here. Azure Functions provides an extremely handy and quick means to come up with custom logic called Functions that runs in the cloud and without the need to be anxious about the hosting solution whatsoever. Azure Automation enables you to execute scripts against your Azure atmosphere. Moving on, you will learn to extend DevOps to Azure. A few of these features are also readily available for Azure SQL Database. Sign into the Azure portal. A group of on-premise Azure tech. Lies Youve Been Told About Azure Resume You may use a current endpoint from the preceding step. This requires another integration. Its all of the separation Wieneke should acquire open. Theres no need to restart the operation from the start. Additionally, youre likely to find some purposeful guideline on the development of the cloud and eventually wrap your head across the full element. For this process, well utilize PowerShell Runbooks. A resume is your very first step to become noticed. Activities beyond the workplace may show skills that will apply to a brand-new career. High school is an amazing likelihood of students to get started gaining work experience. Nonetheless, in order to submit an application for an employment, students will often will need to supply a resume. As a conclusion, our group of skilled experts also provides a last verdict which will help you make a well-informed choice. Hence, anytime you are confronted with the write my essay problem, you can bet that our qualified personnel are going to be on standby to help you in any way they are able to. Akamai global traffic administration. Get-SMAJob queries the condition of the job. Our customized paper writing service is really among the best ever The project was supposed to assess available goods, technologies and vendors. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to prevent low high quality services. A cloud service can have two forms of roles. You dont need to be a designer with expensive software to earn a nice resume. When you wish to utilize it again, you can just resume the service. You can rest assured that anytime you need our writing service, well be available to assist you process them. Its a really mature and advanced support. Life, Death and Azure Resume There are a lot of sample runbooks which you will observe when you install it. A page is a selection of data that is identified by its offset from the onset of the blob. We can click the Output to find the true job Output, the saatkorn as in the Test Pane. Youre able to download a complimentary trial on the Microsoft Word site. Might have a location for a certificate. The error happens on the field-side. There arent Errors or Warnings.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

She Works For Hearst From Chile And Gets 15 Extra Minutes Of Sleep Each Day

She Works For Hearst From Chile And Gets 15 Extra Minutes Of Sleep Each Day Please introduce yourself to the PowerToFly community.My name is Romina and I am 31-years-old. I am a very proactive person and always trying to do new things so I dont get bored. I love to dance, thats my passion, so I go two times a week to take classes. I also love going to the gym, and Im always experimenting with new classes, like TRX, boxing, functional training, cross fit, etc. I am also a passionate traveler. I love to travel everywhere??even if its just a weekend outside the cityWhat is your current lage? I am a Product Manager at Hearst.How would you describe a typical work day? I wake up and start replying to emails on bed with my cell phone??that way I get 15 extra minutes of sleep.) Then I get up and turn on my computer while I prepare my breakfast, and then my working day fully starts. I usually get up out of my chair about 20 times a day. I am a really restless person, so when I finish a task, I get up and take a break. It could be a coffee, watching some news on TV, doing the laundry, stretching my legs, whatever. I usually have lunch while I keep working.What advice would you give other women interested in working remotely?Many of the people (not just women), Ive talked to who are remote workers, all agreed that we will never (go) to an office, if at all possible. This is a one-way-road. You will never know how good it is until you do it. I would say Go for it, you wont regret itDo you have any strategies for staying efficient outside of an office? What tools do you use? I am a really dedicated person, so its not really hard for me to concentrate at home. I do have my own space to work, so I can go there and have meetings, or if visitors come over, I can go there and be quiet and calm.What are the biggest challenges about working remotely? How have you overcome them? I think that the hardest thing Ive been through in this job is communicating with people in such differe nt cultures. It is not an easy task (and more if you are a manager), to manage a team which is so distributed, and consists of so many cultures. I am still working on this.What did you like best about working with PowerToFly?What I like fruchtwein of working here, is that I have the freedom that I want. I can handle my schedule as I wish, like start working really early and leave early, or starting at noon if I need the morning for personal things. Also, (there is) the freedom to work from whatever place I want. I live in Chile, but I am from Argentina, so I can go there as many times as I want and be with my family, getting to spend holidays and birthdays with my loved ones, or be in China if I want, as long as I get my eight hours of work in Its so amazing One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made sig nificant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovati on/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent geschftlicher umgang strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bu lk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive vorkaufsrecht for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National C enter for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to write CV for scholarship application -

How to write CV for scholarship application - Craftresumes.comHow to write CV for scholarship application How to write CV for scholarship applicationIt is not easy to win a scholarship. Scholarships must be applied for if you wish to get one. When you send your application in, it is important that you always include a CV. The CV must be specifically designed for this. Tailoring your CV for a scholarship will help you to stand out from others who are applying for the same thing. You will also have a better chance of being successful.In this article, we will have a look at how you can go about making your CV suitable for a scholarship application.courtesy of A.Lin unsplash.comMake Sure You Have All of The Relevant Information With YouBefore you begin writing your scholarship CV, always make sure that you have as much relevant information as possible with you first. Then you can departure creating a list of any awards, honors, education qualifications, achievements or other extracurricu lar activities that may assist you with this. Once you have created the list, put them under categories. Decide what should and should not be included and how to write your CV. There may be things that are not worth including on it.Make Sure Your CV Is In the Correct OrderOnce your list has been completed, you can now put it into a suitable order. It should leave the reader with a good impression of who you are, be professional and objective. All achievements and other things on your list should be in descending order. Your latest achievements should be placed at the top of the list.The Information On The CVInformation that should be on the CV include your name, address, date of birth, phone number, email, any national education qualifications, your school results and scores, school activities, other languages you may speak, computer skills, hobbies (only ones that may suit the scholarship), work experience and any internships you may have done. Include an objective about how you wa nt to achieve your goal and how the scholarship will help you do this. Never include personal information on your CV.Always Be Honest, Truthful and SpecificAlways make sure that everything on your CV is as honest, truthful and specific as possible. Avoid making things up and telling lies. Never include skills that you simply do not have.Proof Read Your CVBefore sending off your application, make sure your proof read your CV first. Look for any mistakes that may have been made. Make sure all information is relevant and free from error. You do not want to have grammar or spelling mistakes as this is sure to get noticed very quickly.All scholarships CVs must look and read professional. Keep it all to one point and use a suitable font size. Never ask another person to write your CV for you. It is better that you do it yourself or buy CV online. You can also hire professional CV writer. It is worth looking up some scholarship CVs on the world wide web to give yourself an idea of what the y should be like. If necessary, make some changes. Ask somebody to have a read over it to make sure that you have not made any mistakes. Sometimes it takes a pair of fresh eyes to spot any errors that may be hiding in there.We wish you the very best in preparing for the scholarship you wish to apply for.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A List of Part Time Job Suggestions for Teenagers

A List of Part Time Job Suggestions for TeenagersA List of Part Time Job Suggestions for TeenagersWhen you become a teenager, you reach the age of responsibility and some financial independence. You may want to earn money so you can buy the clothes you like or get music by your favorite artists. You may want to go out with your friends on Friday night and pay for the meal or the movie. If you are thinking of your future, you might also want to start putting money in a savings account for college or a new car. Performing various jobs can help you get the cash for whatever it is you need. There are a lot of part-time job opportunities for teens, and each position is something you will be able to do to make extra money and gain valuable work experience. 01Golf Course Worker If you like to golf, then a job working maintenance at a golf course could be the perfect job. Teens should explore jobs at places they like to spend a lot of time to find a job they will enjoy.18DrivingIf you are an older teen who has a vehicle, you can profit from running errands and driving other people around. Elderly residents might need help with grocery shopping or they may need rides to the doctors office. This is a great opportunity to make some cash while enhancing your driving skills.19Ride OperatorAn amusement park is a perfect place for a teen to work. The environment is fun, the people are friendly, and the perks are appealing. If you are looking for an exciting new position, you can apply to work as a ride operator. It is a position for a partie who is very detail-oriented and takes safety very seriously.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Keeping Your Job in a Tough Economy

Keeping Your Job in a Tough Economy Keeping Your Job in a Tough Economy If you work at a company thats going through tough times, the likelihood is that youve witnessed at least one layoff and maybe you worry that mora might be coming, but if you want to keep your current job, you should know that there are positive steps you can take to improve your chances of staying.Ive been on both ends of layoffs. When I worked for HMV, I welches let go when the company closed its US operation. Then when I worked for Acclaim Entertainment, I was in the unfortunate position of being the senior HR executive as the company slid slowly into bankruptcy. I cant remember how many lay-offs we went through in my 3 years there but it must have been at least 5 and every one of them was soul-destroying.Not only was it horrible to look at lists of names and decide who stayed and who went, but it was also difficult to get managers to choose who to let go. They were attached to all their employees, liked fruch twein of them as people, knew their families and hated to hurt them financially. But they had to make choices and when they did, here was their criteria Who adds the most value?Some people were obvious layoff targets. We had a telecommunications manager for example and in a company our size, that really didnt need to be a full-time job. Others were in crucial positions but maybe we had to cut back from four people to two.No matter what the situation, it always came down to that key question Who adds the most value?3 Tips for Keeping Your Job in a Tough EconomySo given that key question and based on my own experience, here are my tips for making yourself as indispensable as possible.1) Consider your position. If you were suddenly put in charge of the company and told to turn it around within a year, would you consider your position indispensable? If youre like our telecommunications manager and the answer is no then you need to take some action. You need to start helping out in other areas. For example, our telecommunications manager reported to IT if he had expanded his skill set and learned to troubleshoot computers as well as phones, maybe he wouldnt have been the one laid off. After all, the other IT guys just knew computers but he would have known both.2) Consider your contribution. If your position is not dispensable but there are others who hold the same role, evaluate your contribution against theirs. Be beraus with yourself. Ask yourself if you are doing everything you could. Working as hard as you could. Contributing as much as you could. If the answer is no, change that now.3) Bottom line? Add more value. No matter what type of position you have, talk to your manager about how you can help him or her. You may feel resentful or angry at management and thats understandable, but these are tough times for them too. I cant tell you how many times managers have cried in my office over having to make lay-off decisions and/or over the stress of the resultin g additional workload. They are being asked to do more with fewer people and they are probably losing sleep over it. So talk to your manager about how you can take on extra work to help ease the burden. Doing this is guaranteed to raise your chances of avoiding a pink slip.I dont mean to sound Pollyanna and pretend this is all in your hands. These are tough times and even after all your best efforts, your company may still have to let you go. But they may not and wouldnt you feel better if you took matters into your own hands instead of just waiting for the axe to fall?Plus, if the worst does happen, adding more value and taking on more responsibility is always going to help you on the way to your next job. Your resume will be stronger and your background more impressive because you found new ways to add value.So those are my key tips for holding on to a job in tough times. What do you think? Did I miss any? If so, please let me know in the comments.